Monday, July 23, 2007

Team BernieTang-InterKech Post......

Hey from Switzerland! Since the last post, we've been to two continents and five countries! Damn, we get around.

Took a long ass evening train to Barcelona from Pamplona in all of our nasty outfits, and ended up having the best train ride ever. Turns out the bar cart was in the one beside us, and one casual beer amongst two friends turned into several shotgunned beer and shots of vodka, sambuca and whiskey. Oh my! The train ride went by blazingly fast, needless to say. Barcelona was a great time though. About 8 of us crammed into one 4-person apartment so it was nice and cheap. Took in all the sights Barcelona had to offer - Gaudi architecture, beaches, Olympic Village, La Rambla - and also checked out the nightlife. Bernard, Troy and Anthony got attacked by very, very aggressive prostitutes which was entertainment in itself. Dollar beer on the streets, coka and hash, and various other adventures went down. Also had to say goodbye to two very cool people, Anthony and Amber, as they were on their way to Greece then back to Canada. Sal and I also said our goodbye to Troy and Bernard, who are going back to Pamplona for round 2 with the bulls. Kim and Carol were also leaving for Canada, so we were down to just a few of us.

Sal and I took off to Lisboa to check out Portugal, with hopeful plans to meet up with B and T in Lagos, in one piece! Took in the party scene in the Bairro Alto in Lisbon, which was surprisingly fun. Headed down to Lagos which was a total resort town - bars, beaches and Australians. Great time, and we scored a wicked apartment in the center of the city for 15 EUR each. Wouldn't do Lagos again, but it was definitely fun while it lasted. If anyone goes, check out the Shaker Bar on Rua 25 de Abril - best mojitos in town and a happy hour that lasts half the day. Bernie and Troy made it to Lagos, albeit with a nasty flu from dirty Pamplona, so Troy's trip didn't end on the greatest note.

From Portugal it was off to Morocco. Tune in next time, same bat time, same bat channel!

Lots of love from Team BernieTang-InterKech (the explanation for which will have to wait until the next riveting post...)

1 comment:

Will Walczak said...

Sounds like a fantastic time with a great group. Sorry you had to split up.

We're looking for cheap flights so we can see you for La Tomatina. When are you planning on being in Valencia?