Sunday, July 29, 2007

La Suisse!

We made it out of the Swiss Alps alive. Interlaken was one of the best places I've been to so far - just a small town surrounded by beautiful mountains and cool people. We stayed at this crazy hostel called Balmer's, one of the most famous in the area, and it was awesome.

On the last night we even met up with Kristina, although it took like five tries! Sorry about that Pulkks. But it was so worth it! For you C.D. Howers...we had a little TIWA rendition, that's RIGHT! Look out for those wicked photos.

Bernie and I made our way to Zurich which was also a great place. We had heard some poor reviews on the place, but in the end found more to do than we had time for. When we arrived at our hostel we met this crazy girl named June who had run into some boy drama and was looking to escape it in Switzerland. Hung out with her for the duration of our trip, and tackled Zurich in one huge day. Got some free bikes (best idea ever) and hauled around the city, and biked up to this (very high) lookout point. Finished the day with a lake cruise that was somehow free. I love free days!

Overall Switzerland was a wicked place. Don't know if it was the weather I liked or if it was just because it was different...but it was awesome. Now we're off into Germany. Oh, Deutschland. Beer, pretzels, and wurst is pretty much what I'm expecting.

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