Monday, June 18, 2007

June 12th - London, England

London! The first leg of our trip began in London with a fairly eventful flight. Bernard and I would have been plenty early for our flight, except for the fact that Bernard forgot his jacket and the power bar (for charging stuff) so we had to make a couple of stops before the airport. Turns out they weren't signs of (bad) things to come.

We stopped at the duty free in the airport, and got some Bacardi. Hey, you've gotta get through a 12 hour flight somehow, right? We met up with Reena and Puneet in the waiting area, until they had to board, and when we got on our flight, we ended up sitting next to the best guy ever. Phil Hersee, who is apparently this amazing and very well-known photographer, was in the aisle next to me, and we had a great time. He told us stories of his work, and we drank rum and coke with him. We had a full bar setup - beer, rum and coke, and beer nuts. What more could you ask for?

Even the flight crew was awesome. They worked for some Italian airline (no idea how they ended up flying our flight) and they were all awesome. When we were looking for a place to mix our drink, Bernardus went to the cabin crew area, and took care of it. As the Italian crew would say: 'oh, rum-a and coke-a!'. It was fantastic.

As soon as we landed in London, it was a quick train ride into the city and a much longer walk to our hostel, given the fact that I forgot to print out our itinerary and the address of this hostel. Ooops! After some walking (down a pretty street, mind you...) we made it to our hostel and found Kim and Carol.

Eventually, we took in all we could in our short stay in London. All the sights were covered on a pretty wicked walking tour (that was free). We met some great people on the tour and we spent the night in a Canadian pub in London, called, get this, The Maple Leaf. We had bets down on what kind of beer they would serve. For anyone that's curious, it was Sleeman's Honey Brown, Labatt's (haha, just Labatt's. Cambie anyone? What kind of Labatt's? Doesn't matter?), MGD in bottles, and MOOSEHEAD! It was quality times with quality people from all over the world - Australia, Chicago, Calgary - and a great way to wrap up London.

Off we go to Amsterdam via EasyJet...if I make it out alive, I'll be sure to drop a note. Thanks for all the emails coming my way, it's great to hear from all of you. Sunburnt bums and all.

Lots of love!

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